Temporary Traffic Management [TTM] is classified as either static or mobile operations after which they come under 3 main categories.
- Type A – works that are on the road for 12 hours or longer
- Type B – works that are on the road for longer than 15 minutes but less than 12 hours
- Type C – works of short duration up to a maximum of 15 minutes.
There are two main sub-categories of mobile works.
- Semi-Static Operations [SSO] found on Level 1 & 2 Roads
- Mobile Lane Closures [MLC] found on Level 3 Roads
Why are these important?
By classifying the works in the categories above it is possible to calculate the safety requirements needed to protect road users and road workers when traffic management systems are in operation. The safety parameters are all contained in a piece of legislation called the Traffic Signs Manual (2019).
What are the different types of control methods?
As motorists we would only know what we encounter, and the most common TTM control methods are:
- Give & Take
- Priority
- Stop & Go
- Temporary Traffic Signals
- Convoy
Give & Take and Priority
These are autonomous single file shuttle systems. They are autonomous because the decision to pass the works is made by the driver.
On approach to a Give & Take system you will see a Road Narrows sign and in this circumstance no-one has right of way and drivers only go past the works if it is safe to do so. On approach to a Priority system, you will see a Yield sign on the side of the road where the works are located, and in this circumstance, you must yield to traffic from the opposite direction which have right of way.
Stop & Go, Temporary Traffic Signals, and Convoy
These are automated shuttle systems controlled by a person operating a Stop/Go Board, traffic signals, or a combination of both. The Stop/Go board and Temporary Traffic Signals are legal signals and must be obeyed.